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# closest gas station

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r/GrandTheftAutoV on Reddit: Out of Gas? (idea) » Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 10 votes and 27 comments

Bitcoin ATM in Southgate - RP Fuel Gas Station » Find location of General Bytes Bitcoin ATM machine in Southgate at 13230 Fort St_ Southgate, MI 48195_ USA

Best Service, Best Value is R.P. Lumber's Commitment » Forty years ago, Robert L. Plummer and his wife Donna were high school teachers in St. Louis, Mo. Always the entrepreneurial type, when Robert decided to leave teaching and open his own lumberyard, he did so from scratch. He borrowed $5,000, and during a bitterly cold January he set up shop in a site that […]

Script all gas stations on the map » Maybe it's okay with this amount of 24/7 shops we got so far. Sometimes like only one owner bought a blip for his gas station and what should players do? They should find the nearest gas station to fill their car but when they come there some of them are not scripted at all. Just an admin marker….

Gas Stations » Gas Stations are functional map features that are able to be used for roleplay and refueling vehicles. There are currently 3 gas stations on the map, each featuring 4 gas pumps and an interior. Only 2 gas stations feature an Express Wash, which is in River City and in Springfield. Gas refueling is one of the most essential features in the game. All gas stations are operated by a fictional company named Gas-N-Go. The Gas Station Worker is a civilian job able to be joined at any of the gas station

Fuel System. » I recently came back and Fuel System is SO poor, just go there, do /fuel and it takes money from you, go ahead drive. It would be okay but by looking at other scrips and systems server is trying to be closer to Heavy RP, so in that case fuel system has to be re-done. * Maybe you have to get out o…

Roleplay area - Mirror Park. » City seems quite empty, even when there's over 70 players, so why not make some of places that have more RP possibilities? Mirror Park is quite good for it and should be used to its full potential, I've got some screens. 1. Either make a custom interior for a Hypermarker or use a default one and…

Quests in the GTA 5RP. » Quest. This article is about all the quests on the Grand Role Play server, it's like a tutorial for you to look at and get an idea.


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